Thursday, May 26, 2016

My Solution--I'm a Genius

The solution to the problem I have identified about classes being too broad and not preparing you for your actual future career is this:

  • College needs to be more focused. Student should take an entry exam that help them figure out what they are good at and passionate at so that there are less "exploratory" majors.
  • College needs to be more condensed. Classes related to your major should start in your second semester at school, not your third year. Maybe implement the use of CLEP tests.
  • College needs real world education. Offer classes that teach students about personal financing, office etiquette, networking. Give more opportunities for shadowing so that students know what they are getting themselves into.
  • Dedicate more time to teaching and less time to research.
Those are just a few solutions, I'm sure there are many more ways to improve the college education system to make it more effective, efficient, and successful for students.

Looking for Opportunity: Economic Trends & Regulatory Changes

1. Europe will edge closer to crisis

a. I found this article on the website FORTUNE, where economic trends predicted for 2016 were listed and discussed. The opportunity here is high unemployment rates.
b. An opportunity here exists because employment rates are too high in Europe, which is increasing their debt and having negative impacts on peoples lives.
c. The people in concern here are the people that are having trouble finding jobs. The Government is also in danger of the repercussions that extended periods of unemployment can have on a country's economy.
d. This opportunity is difficult to exploit unemployment can mean different things in different countries, and also impact lives in a different way depending on the cost of living. I think its also interesting that as American's we think mostly about our own economy and unemployment level, instead of considering the entire world's economic standpoint.

I saw this opportunity because I think I have a pretty holistic view of the world and the people in it. I know that what goes on around me each day is nothing compared to the lives of people in the rest of the world. And I think that if we want to survive as people, we need to look out for each other more than we are.

2. Global economic forecast 2016-2017

a. This article was posted on and talked a lot about the different growth predictions and economic well beings of a variety of countries across the globe.
b. Most of these predictions were positive or consistent with growth today. This leads me to believe that there is opportunity for service. By this I mean that since the economy has recovered for different downfalls, and is not starting to level out again, we should focus on solving world hunger, disease in developing countries, and poverty.
c. This opportunity is for the people that still lay within healthy percentages of unemployment, income, and heath. Now that the majority of people that are contributing to the economy are stable, we need to help those in need.
d. This opportunity is difficult to exploit because the range of people in need is vast and hard to reach. Furthermore, people have been trying to solve these problems for decades with little luck. Finally, the economy is still unpredictable and always changing so focus is always shifting.

I saw this opportunity because I think that people talk about fighting hungar and poverty, but no one ever dedicates all of their time and efforts to it because they are busy and focused on other concerns in the "now." However, this gives us time to move past ourselves and our economic wellbeing, and help others.

3. France might pass a law that makes it illegal to send after-hours work emails

a. This article is located on the Washington Post website and talk's about the possibility of France regulating a new law that says it's illegal to send emails after-hours for work.
b. I see this as a opportunity for America to regulate similar laws so that we can "disconnect" from technology and stress when we get home to our families and lives.
c. This opportunity is for all working American's. Although some people may be nervous at the thought that they wouldn't be able to reach out to employers or employees after hours, I think that people would adapt and appreciate the work free time.
d. I think this opportunity would be decently exploited because it is a simple matter of laws being put into place and regulated by the Government, just as France is doing.

I saw this opportunity because I have many friends that come home from a long day and do more work and stress out even more after hours than they do during work hours. I also think that we should start getting concerned about the use of technology so much, and focus more on the health of ourselves, our lives, and our relationships.

4. Wildlife Concerns

a. On, there are different laws and regulations that are discussed and debated. Some of these include environment regulations, particularly wetland preservation.
b. I see this as an opportunity because more people need to be aware of the environment and the destruction that humans are creating towards it.
c. All people should be concerned with this opportunity because destruction of wetlands can later lead to much more damage of the land and lives of people living on it. Environmentalists are most aware and concerned about this opportunity. The government should regulate even more protection.
d. I think this opportunity is hard to exploit because we influence the land and the environment in so many different ways each day--some of which we might not even know about. We also haven't created solutions for replacing practices of actions that negatively affect the environment.

I saw this opportunity because I think that people ignore the changes in the environment that are going on around them. However, I read a lot of articles and watch a lot of videos which makes me aware and conscious of the efforts that people need to be putting in to conserving the wildlife around them.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Testing the Hypothesis--Part 1

OPPORTUNITY: Classes at the University of Florida are not specific enough nor are they career preparation oriented because of funding and variability challenges when it comes to offering enough classes that pertain to a large enough audience.

WHO?: The University of Florida students
WHAT?: They are unable to supply specific classes that prepare students for their future careers.
WHY?: There isn't enough funding, professors, or audience of students for classes to be too specific        and career oriented verses major oriented.

Testing the WHO-- I believe that most students at UF have this need. For instance, there are many Marketing majors and classes for marketing majors in return. However, a marketing major may want to go into a career of social media but are forced to take classes on retail.

Testing the WHAT--It is true that some classes are more specific for people's future career aspirations, such as the marketing sales class for a student wanting to go into sales. However, there are no specific sales classes for the different types of sales fields. And, some may say that the class does not actually prepare them for their day to day role in the job.

Testing the WHY--I think the reason for this issue is for a couple reasons. These reasons include proper funding, variability, and need for each specific career and field.


1. My first interview was with Eric. Something that stuck out to me from my conversation with him is that he said one way to solve the problem of under preparedness for entering the job field is making the norm for college increase from 4 years to 5 or 6. That way, there will be time to take required classes and time to take classes that actually prepared you "street smarts" for the real world.

2. My second interview was with Taylor. She said that she wished her classes wouldn't given her more life experience such as paying taxes, building credit, or learned how to work the stock market...verses learned how to take a test on finance when her major is management.

3. My third interview was with Olivia. One thing interesting that she mentioned was that another struggle of taking classes at a university is that some classes are only offered in certain semesters. So even classes that are supplied are limited.

4. My fourth interview was interesting because I spoke with a transfer student. Anna said that at her former college, they were given more specific class options and less required classes, but more required experiences. They were encouraged to learn outside of the classroom through shadowing verses taking tests in the classroom.

5. Finally, my fifth interview was with Cam. Cam said that he enjoyed some of the classes that he was required to take even though they didn't pertain to his major. However, now he feels like he's trying to squeeze all of his core classes into each semester, making them more stressful than necessary to be successful.


Friday, May 20, 2016

Forming An Opportunity Belief-- Gen Ed Classes Edition


When thinking about opportunities that exist, I immediately recalled my frustration with the number of required general education classes that students must take to graduate. I believe that there is an opportunity to improve the way that classes are set up and offered to students. This thought also lead me to consider the general teaching styles of professors and the material that students are taught to help prepare them for their future careers.

I don't believe that students are being given the type of education that sufficiently prepares them for their future careers. This is either because they are being required to take a majority of classes that don't pertain to their major, they are not given enough real world information and they are not getting information that is as specified as necessary for positive results in the future. This need lies in the hands of the students, and their preparation for their future careers. I think that this problem has always existed and continues to get worse as colleges require more unnecessary classes to either make money or set standards that don't pertain to the students.

After speaking with multiple students on campus, I am sure that this opportunity exists and is not being solved very well or the time being. From what I can tell, the only way that students are guaranteeing their preparation for their future careers is with outside sources that UF is not currently supplying. This can be tutoring services, internships, shadowing positions, etc. Most surprisingly, I realized that students from all majors see these beliefs as a concern for their future well being.

In summary, I think that the education system, specifically UF in this situation, needs to supply students with classes that are more tailored to not only their majors, but to their future careers. Professors also need to make sure they are focused on teaching and not researching.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Identifying Local Opportunities-- CreekLine Addition

1. Nease Happenings: Nease High School's parking woes (pg. 16)

This story talks about a local high school's problems with parking spaces. At the end of the year, as more students become of driving age, the school is running out of spaces to provide them with for on campus parking. 

Many students are complaining that their mode of transportation to school is being discredited. Although administrators have tried to find extra space near back fields and fences, this problem does not look like its going to get fixed anytime soon. There is a plan to renovate the entire school, but given that the renovations haven't even started yet means that the currently upset students will not be relieved. 

This is not only a problem for students, but also a problem for the bus system that is now becoming over crowded, parents that have to drop their children off at school, and faculty that aren't being given many resources to solve this problem. 

2. Perhaps parents need a break from devices (pg. 30)

This article talks about a study done in Boston that observed caregivers (parents) at restaurants. They would take note of how many caregivers went on their phone at some point during the meal and which ones were on their phones throughout the meal. At the end of their observations, they were able to conclude that the children of the caregivers acted out more when their caregiver was on their mobile device. 

The problem here is that parents are so wrapped up in the idea of keeping their kids off of their phones, yet they aren't setting the proper example. Especially if a child thinks something is acceptable at a young age, they will continue to act and behave in that way as they get older. 

Parents are the problem and children are the solution. If parents start monitoring their phone usage, especially at meal time, then the children will pick up on it. However, another problem here could be today's society. There are not many boundaries when it comes to doing "work" in and outside of the office. Furthermore, with information literally at our finger tips, it is hard to not keep up with the information to then feel like you are falling behind. I blame society and the parents. 

3. Save the St. John's River tour campaigns for healthy river (pg. 34)

Every year, a group of St. Johns Riverkeepers travel down the entire St. John's river, from one end to the other. This is to make sure the river and the people enjoying the river are safe and environmentally friendly. However, when on their trip this year, the Riverkeepers noticed an increase and river recreation and the effects that it was having on the local environment.

Because of an increase in the number of boats on the water, there was also an increase in the pollution, health state, and habitat of the river and surrounding wildlife. There were dramatic decreases in flow of water and water levels in the past year.

The problem here is people, and their disregard for the environment and the impact that their presence as on its future. People need to understand that there is a level of over population in the St. John's river when it comes to recreation. This is then leading to a decline in the river's health. The people will also in return have a problem with the dirty river and lack of fresh water supplies that will result from this over population. 

4. The Sheriff Reports: St. Johns County needs FACT (pg. 8)

This article is written by the sheriff's office and talks about the need for the county to implement a FACTs program, or a Florida Assertive Community Treatment team. It goes on to talk about the importance of mental health awareness and how the sheriff's office is helping with it the best that they can, but how their trained professionals and experience just isn't enough for what the county needs. 

The problem is that there are 1 in 5 adults that suffer from some type of mental illness throughout the year, and there is no program to help these people. Many county's throughout the state have FACT teams to help with this type of problem. However, St. Johns County does not and it is something that the community and sheriff's office is fighting for in legislation. 

The sheriff's office has the problem because they are the ones dealing with mental health when they do not have the proper resources to address it. Furthermore, adults suffering from mental health issues has the problem because they are not getting the proper care and treatment that they should be by the state. 

5. The Sheriff Reports: Citizen self defense (pg. 6)

This article is written by the Sheriff's office and discusses the importance of awareness for self defense laws. If first starts by defining self defense and then giving examples of the different things that could happen in a self-defense situation. Furthermore, it explains how different situations, people and the results of those situations have different outcomes when self defense is judged. 

The problem here is that people aren't aware what these laws specifically state. Furthermore, it is concerning how the actions taken by people for self defense coincide with gun control laws and regulations that are permitted in the county. Although you may have a concealed weapons permit and be on your own property, there are other regulations of legality they may take place in a self defense situation.

People that have the problem with this situation are the citizens that it effects, the sheriff's office that tries to control and maintain rights and protection for the county, and the victims of self defense crimes. People need to be better educated and more self aware when they are put in different situations that could call for an act of self defense. 

Thursday, May 12, 2016

My Entrepreneurship Story

In middle school, I was always trying to add to my newly created Navy Federal bank account. At the time, I was only getting money here or there from babysitting or for my birthday/Christmas. However, I need to amp it up a bit so that I could purchase my very own DS Game Boy System. That's when my sister and I decided to sell lacrosse balls. Although commonly used for the sport, many kids in school started bringing them to class and bouncing them off the tile floors and cement walls for fun. They were especially a hot commodity at recess, where kids made up creative games. At the very start of this new trend, it was just a couple of lacrosse players that participated in the shenanigans. My sister and I took this new opportunity to buy a huge back of balls and sell them for a couple bucks to students that didn't already have a ball to play with. This made the trend take off even more! So much in fact that after a while, teachers had to ban lacrosse balls from the classroom because they started to become a distraction. That's my entrepreneurship story.

I joined this class because I think that having the skills and knowledge to become a successful entrepreneur is very help for my future, whether I become an entrepreneur or not. I think that hearing about other people's experiences and dreams of becoming an entrepreneur is also very interesting to hear about. Finally, I heard this class was fun and hands on and I have been wanting to start a blog so I thought it would be a great fit for me this summer.

My Little Bug List

1. The left hand key at southwest recreation center never works when I type in my correct UFID and scan my hand properly.
WHY? Because the technology malfunctions.

2. When you're in a hurry for a meeting and the street lights only last .3 seconds so it takes forever for all of the traffic to get through them.
WHY? Because there are so many lights that have to let cars through and so they can't take too long to stay green.

3. The toilet paper holder in my apartment bathroom always falls off the wall because they never properly install it.
WHY? The screws are weak and never completely put in.

4. My windshield wipers on my silver Kia Spectra always leaves streaks when I turn them on to help with the rain.
WHY? There are dents in the rubber part of the wiper (because they are cheaply made) that drag out rain drops instead of cleaning them away.

5. The keys to Activity Room 3 always get stuck in the key whole when I'm trying to open the door for patrons at the gym.
WHY? The door and the key were probably not made by the company and therefore do not completely match up on the first try.

6. The fan in my bedroom is too strong when its on high but too low when its on medium so I am never completely comfortable in temperature.
WHY? There are not enough settings to satisfy everyone's needs.

7. When you get on a plane and then have to sit in your small economy seat for another 45minutes until the plane finally takes off.
WHY? There are a lot of safety check lists and processes that need to be completed first.

8. The home button on my phone stops working because I've pressed it too hard and it has gotten stuck for who knows how long.
WHY? After a while, the technology wears out.

9. My make up removing wipes that are super convenient and effective remove my make up but make my eyes sting.
WHY? There are chemicals in the wipes that are good for getting rid of make up but not good for getting in my eyes.

10. The lid on my pink and blue Lilly Pulitzer cup never screws on correctly and therefore continues to leak if tipped upwards.
WHY? You have to place the lid exactly in the right position, because when you do the lid doesn't leak at all.

11. My really cute nude ballet flat shoes go great with my business attire but give the back of my ankles blisters.
WHY? They are made of cheap material that rubs the skin.

12. Whenever I call financial aid, they never answer the phone and then take forever to call me back once I've left a message--and they usually call me back when I'm busy.
WHY? They are busy with other students and obligations.

13. My favorite flavor of gum, "smooth mink by Extra", doesn't hold its minty flavor long enough.
WHY? Gum companies haven't perfects long lasting gum flavor even if they think they have.

14. I had to schedule my internet at my new apartment to get set up in Orlando but Brighthouse gave me a time frame of 4 hours they they "could" be coming by and I never have time to wait around that long.
WHY? They have a lot of people to see a day and different visits take different amounts of time so they don't want to get  if they have to run late.

15. I needed to get my cars keys out of my locked car so I called AAA but I had used all of my road side assistant free calls for that quarter. What's the point of having complimentary emergency road side assistance if you make a limit on how many emergencies you have.
WHY? They can only fund so many free trips out to each person before it is a loss for their profits.

16. I love to shop at T. J. Maxx because they have cute clothes and great deals but their check out line is always way too long which prevents me from going as often.
WHY? So many people like their clothes and they only have so many registers and people working.

17. When you need money from your bank but you have to wait 3 business days for the transfer to be processed.
WHY? Everything takes time to process for things to process safely and successfully.

18. When I'm using my number 2 pencil to write and I need to erase something, it leaves weird red streak marks from the color of the eraser.
WHY? I'm honestly not quite sure why they would make red erasers--it must be the material and they can't help that the red coloring runs.

19. The frozen fruit in my blender always needs to be stirred around 10 times before it finally mixes when I make my morning strawberry banana smoothie.
WHY? The blender is low quality so it can't reach the frozen fruit unless its literally touching the blades.

20. My favorite type of pen, Pilot G-2 05 never has enough ink to get me through practice problems for one finance exam.
WHY? A pen can only fit so much ink in it.

REFLECTION: I found this list challenging to write because I usually only notice things that bug me when they are happening in the present. It is easy to forget little things that bug us, especially things that we usually end up doing anyways. Its not like I'm going to stop using my favorite pen or stop going to T. J. Max, I will just buy more pens and impatiently wait in line.