Thursday, May 12, 2016

My Little Bug List

1. The left hand key at southwest recreation center never works when I type in my correct UFID and scan my hand properly.
WHY? Because the technology malfunctions.

2. When you're in a hurry for a meeting and the street lights only last .3 seconds so it takes forever for all of the traffic to get through them.
WHY? Because there are so many lights that have to let cars through and so they can't take too long to stay green.

3. The toilet paper holder in my apartment bathroom always falls off the wall because they never properly install it.
WHY? The screws are weak and never completely put in.

4. My windshield wipers on my silver Kia Spectra always leaves streaks when I turn them on to help with the rain.
WHY? There are dents in the rubber part of the wiper (because they are cheaply made) that drag out rain drops instead of cleaning them away.

5. The keys to Activity Room 3 always get stuck in the key whole when I'm trying to open the door for patrons at the gym.
WHY? The door and the key were probably not made by the company and therefore do not completely match up on the first try.

6. The fan in my bedroom is too strong when its on high but too low when its on medium so I am never completely comfortable in temperature.
WHY? There are not enough settings to satisfy everyone's needs.

7. When you get on a plane and then have to sit in your small economy seat for another 45minutes until the plane finally takes off.
WHY? There are a lot of safety check lists and processes that need to be completed first.

8. The home button on my phone stops working because I've pressed it too hard and it has gotten stuck for who knows how long.
WHY? After a while, the technology wears out.

9. My make up removing wipes that are super convenient and effective remove my make up but make my eyes sting.
WHY? There are chemicals in the wipes that are good for getting rid of make up but not good for getting in my eyes.

10. The lid on my pink and blue Lilly Pulitzer cup never screws on correctly and therefore continues to leak if tipped upwards.
WHY? You have to place the lid exactly in the right position, because when you do the lid doesn't leak at all.

11. My really cute nude ballet flat shoes go great with my business attire but give the back of my ankles blisters.
WHY? They are made of cheap material that rubs the skin.

12. Whenever I call financial aid, they never answer the phone and then take forever to call me back once I've left a message--and they usually call me back when I'm busy.
WHY? They are busy with other students and obligations.

13. My favorite flavor of gum, "smooth mink by Extra", doesn't hold its minty flavor long enough.
WHY? Gum companies haven't perfects long lasting gum flavor even if they think they have.

14. I had to schedule my internet at my new apartment to get set up in Orlando but Brighthouse gave me a time frame of 4 hours they they "could" be coming by and I never have time to wait around that long.
WHY? They have a lot of people to see a day and different visits take different amounts of time so they don't want to get  if they have to run late.

15. I needed to get my cars keys out of my locked car so I called AAA but I had used all of my road side assistant free calls for that quarter. What's the point of having complimentary emergency road side assistance if you make a limit on how many emergencies you have.
WHY? They can only fund so many free trips out to each person before it is a loss for their profits.

16. I love to shop at T. J. Maxx because they have cute clothes and great deals but their check out line is always way too long which prevents me from going as often.
WHY? So many people like their clothes and they only have so many registers and people working.

17. When you need money from your bank but you have to wait 3 business days for the transfer to be processed.
WHY? Everything takes time to process for things to process safely and successfully.

18. When I'm using my number 2 pencil to write and I need to erase something, it leaves weird red streak marks from the color of the eraser.
WHY? I'm honestly not quite sure why they would make red erasers--it must be the material and they can't help that the red coloring runs.

19. The frozen fruit in my blender always needs to be stirred around 10 times before it finally mixes when I make my morning strawberry banana smoothie.
WHY? The blender is low quality so it can't reach the frozen fruit unless its literally touching the blades.

20. My favorite type of pen, Pilot G-2 05 never has enough ink to get me through practice problems for one finance exam.
WHY? A pen can only fit so much ink in it.

REFLECTION: I found this list challenging to write because I usually only notice things that bug me when they are happening in the present. It is easy to forget little things that bug us, especially things that we usually end up doing anyways. Its not like I'm going to stop using my favorite pen or stop going to T. J. Max, I will just buy more pens and impatiently wait in line.


  1. Your title is super cute, I totally understand most of these bugs. We have the same favorite pens and let's be real, is there any single writing utensil in the world that can get you through one finance exam? I haven't found one yet. I agree that its challenging and it is always strange to think of little things that bother you throughout the day. We tend not to dwell on these things so its hard to sit down and write them out.

  2. Those red streaks an eraser leaves I also find quite annoying. It's supposed to erase things, not leave more to be erased. Never quite made sense to me. It's good to not dwell too too much on the little things though, and it seems you've maintained a sense of optimism so that's good.

  3. Megan,
    The first bug on your list immediately reminded me of the times I've been to SW and had to either go in the other line or enter through the help desk. I also hate windshield wipers that leave streaks because they have completely defeated the purpose of the product. Overall you have a great list of detailed bugs and you made me think up of more things as I was reading.
