Saturday, June 11, 2016

Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No. 1 - Need Awareness and Information Search

1. My segment will be students that need a more specific class offering for their major. 
2. My three people really game me some great insight into their need and want for an improvement in my opportunity. Below I have my interviews with them explaining their difficulties with classes offered for their majors.
3. The need awareness occurs when students hear about other schools that offer programs of more specific subject. It also arrises when students start looking for internships and realize that they aren't sure what they want to focus on or aren't prepared for the job at hand because of the broad classes offered. 

4. The first thing they do to find a solution to their problem is look for other resources to gain the some information that they are missing out on. They also start to ask a lot of questions and wonder what is stopping their current situation from fulfilling this need. Their search terms in google would specifically relate to their line of work or major classes. They would talk to friends and family to see how they have overcome similar problems in similar situations.

5. In my interviews I learned that there is an unmet need and that finding a solution is difficult and definitely depends on the student that is looking for a solution. I think this opportunity is unique because it differs depending on each student that has this unmet need. It also makes it that much more difficult to solve the problem. 

6. I would describe this segment intern of need awareness and information search as apparent and definitely an opportunity for many people, but that the information is sometimes hard to find and hard to define since each case is unique. 


  1. Recently changing my major from pre-med to business I have no idea what I am wanting to do. Growing up I really did not look into colleges because I wanted to play sports. Being thrown into the college student system, I did not have many resources when it came to what a major offers. High school is a very confusing time for kids and something to clear up the future is needed.

  2. Recently changing my major from pre-med to business I have no idea what I am wanting to do. Growing up I really did not look into colleges because I wanted to play sports. Being thrown into the college student system, I did not have many resources when it came to what a major offers. High school is a very confusing time for kids and something to clear up the future is needed.

  3. The way your need awarness occurs definitely resonates with myself. Whenever I hear the way course curriculum is run at other schools I envy how much room students have to change their majors and classes as opposed to UF. UF runs on strict degree audits that must be completed specifically, ultimately holding students back. It is an easy way for the school to make money, by keeping students longer if they want to flip flop majors.
