Saturday, June 11, 2016

Reading Reflection No. 1

1. Grinding It Out: The Making of McDonald’s, by Ray Kroc

  • I think what surprise me most was the amount of effort and uniqueness that went into the creation of his business. For example, the specific recipe’s for the food served at McDonalds and the way he came about it all.
  • The thing I admired most about this entrepreneur was his hard work and persistence to be the best and make the largest food chain restaurant in his time. He really did work his way up the ladder to learn from his mistakes before becoming successful.
  • I least admired was his process of going about certain situations. And honestly, i think that this fast food industry is destroying America so I’m not to fond of his part in that. It would’ve been nice if he would have used his entrepreneurship skills and success for something that could affect heath in a more positive way. 
  • I think he encounter lots of adversity and failure. For example when he needed to find more funds, or perfect the recipe’s being used and cherished for his future customers. He overcame these obstacles with his passion, drive and relentlessness to achieve greatness.  
2. Some competencies that I noticed he exhibited included a tough work ethic and an attitude to never give up and to not stop until you reach perfection and success.

3. Some of the reading was confusing because I'm not well rehearsed in law or the processes that take place when trying to develop and sell a franchise. I wish I would have understood all of the more technical phrases and terms that detailed his processes in the business world a bit better. 

4. The first question I would ask him is "what did you learn most about this entrepreneurship adventure." I think he learned a lot of things about him self and about the business, but I would like to know what impacted him the most. The second question I would ask him is "If you could do it all over again, would you change anything?" This is because we all look about on different challenges we go through and in hindsight say we would have done something differently or changed something. Maybe if he know that fast food would've had such a negative impact on the world he would have chosen a different industry.

5. I think his opinion of hard work is that you have to try and try again, and over come obstacles and learn from mistakes to be successful. I think that he believes hard work is the only way to achieve greatness and the only way to make something of yourself, just as he did. I definitely agree with this outlook on hard work.

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