Thursday, July 21, 2016

Celebrating Failure

1. I am going to tell you about my recent adventurous failures in cooking chicken. This summer I have been living on my own without a meal plan and therefore ran into the problem of having to feed myself. My mom makes great chicken, my dad makes great chicken, but I for the life of me cannot make enjoyably edible chicken.

I have tried on numerous accounts to make chicken in a pan on top of the oven and in the oven itself. However, each time it either comes out raw, too dry, too chewy, or burnt. I am also not so great at knowing what flavors to include when marinating my chicken. Chicken just does not appear to be my type of cooking food anymore.

2. It's from their failures and experiences with cooking that I have learned to just stick to ramen. Bring left over chicken home from my parents house. Buy pre-made chicken at the grocery store. It has also taught me that living on my own and trying to make myself real, healthy meals is harder and more challenging than I ever thought it would be.

3. In general, I too, like Thomas Edison believe that there is no failure, but discovering a way not to do something. However, I do think that some failures are not overcomable (such as my ability to make chicken). But I will keep trying and I will find new ways to fail because that is how you learn so that is what must be done.

- Thanks for reading.

p.s. I did make a decent chicken eventually (picture below)

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