Saturday, July 9, 2016

Idea Napkin No. 2

1. You. I am someone that wants to make things in life easier and more efficient for others. I have had experience working with people and hearing about their frustrations with different products and processes and I think I am good at listening and solving problems. I think this business will help make life easier and more successful for myself and for others. (My feedback said that my product would make their lives easier)
2. What are you offering to customers? I am offering the customers an easier way to clean up puppy messes so that they can spend time with their puppy instead of always cleaning up after them. I think that if people don't have to clean the messes, they will get less mad at their puppies too and then have a better bond with their owners. (My feedback said that customers would buy my product.)
3. Who are you offering it to? I am offering this product to younger pet owners that like to find new technology to help make easier but also have a love for animals. This person will probably have a busies social/work life and will need to puppy clean up robot to help raise the puppy.
4. Why do they care? People will pay for my product because it will prevent them from having to touch yucky puppy messes and will save time because the robot will be more efficient in clean up than a human. 
5. What are your core competencies? My product is unique because is new and modern and up and coming and no one has done anything like it before. It's a need that a lot of people have and that hasn't been looked at to solve yet. 
ANALYSIS: I think that these elements fit together perfectly because they hit everyone point that a product needs to have to be successful and sell in a market. I think the only weak aspect will actually be the creation on the product and to make sure it doesn't have too many defects. I also think I will need to figure out a way to make the product useful after a puppy is potty trained and no longer makes messes. (A new piece of information I received is that my product mostly applies to dog owners only, and not cat owners. This is because cats clean up after themselves. It could cause me to not be as profitable.)
Feedback memo:  
My feedback said that my product would make their lives easier.
My feedback said that customers would buy my product.
A new piece of information I received is that my product mostly applies to dog owners only, and not cat owners. This is because cats clean up after themselves. It could cause me to not be as profitable.
My feedback said that this product could apply to my customers lives.
My feedback proved that my product was targeted at the right audience. 


  1. If you were somehow able to get in touch with a robotocist from BostonDynamics, maybe this could be a reality! They have made incredibly dexterous robots, and I could see one of theirs doing the job you describe here. They specialize in military robots and home-helping robots, I think. It's good that you learned that cat owners might not have a need for this type of service. In fact, there is already a product that is like a self-cleaning little box.

  2. Your idea is great for someone who has problems with their dogs and it would definitely make their lives easier. It is very true that your customers care because it will prevent them from having to touch a youcky mess afterwards. Great post! This would be a very good buisness that I bet a lot of people would use and buy.
