Sunday, July 3, 2016

My Secret Sauce

1) Describe five ways in which you think you have human capital that is truly unique.

  1. I always try to find the good in people, and pull the positives about any situation.
  2. I moved around a bit so I know what it's like to be the new kid - taught me how to make friends and be a friend for someone else. 
  3. I'd like to think I'm a good friend who's always there for people when then need me.
  4. I try to be friendly and kind to everyone around me because I like to get to know people and the lives they are living.
  5. People have told me that I'm a good public speaker and writer - which is a good skill to have I guess. 
2) Interview the five people who know you the best.

Interview 1: My first interview was with my mom. She said that some things that make me different are my ability to speak in front of large groups. As stated above, she is one of the people that has always told me I am a good writer and speaker and has encouraged me to pursue these skills. 

Interview 2: My second interview was with my dad. He said that my human capital that makes me different from others is my ability to know when to speak and when to listen. He said I am a very good listener to him, and the others that I have a relations with and to always make people feel important.

Interview 3: My third interview was with my sister. She said my human capital is my work ethic. She said that I always try to be great instead of good, and am always trying to get ahead for the next step in life. She said that I am really driven to achieve success in my life, which is an important characteristic to have. 

Interview 4: My fourth interview was with my best friend, Olivia. Olivia said that something that makes me different is that I always try to find the positive outlook in the situation. She also said that I also try to find new solutions to problems and conflicts with people to make sure each side of the story is heard and thought about. 

Interview 5: My last interview was with my boyfriend. He said that my human capital includes my perseverance and my healthy competitiveness. He said that whenever a challenge or adversity is set in front of me, I always find a way to overcome it and prove people wrong. 

To interview people that knew me best, my interviews took place over the phone because I'm living in a new city this summer where I don't really know anyone. Therefore, I was not able to record them. 

3) Reflect on the differences.

When reflecting on how I see myself and how others see me in return, I feel like the views are very similar. I think I am an open book and let people get to know me as a person and thats why people know me like I know myself in some ways. It was nice to hear about some of the characteristics that the most important people in my life said about me. I'm glad that people see me the way I see me. 


  1. Megan,
    For future assignments if you need to record conversations over the phone you can do one of the two things: install an app like Jit Call records, which automatically records calls for you, or have a call on speaker and record on your computer, ok 3rd thing, borrow a friend's phone and record the conversation from your speaker phone to friend's phone.
    I see that several of your traits are related to friendliness and making a friends and contacts. It is quite important in industries, especially for sales people. If you decide going into your own business or working for someone it can be an advantage for you!

  2. Megan,

    It is great to hear that your family and friends think highly of you and very similar qualities in which you would describe yourself. There is no better feeling than to have a perspective of yourself and your loved ones are able to validate it. Not that we should base our idea of ourselves from the opinions of others, but it is a beautiful thing to be confident enough to acknowledge your best qualities and jot them down. It would have been nice to have heard the recordings.

  3. Megan,
    Your interviews were very good. It is a great thing to hear from your peers that you are what you think you are. I like how they were able to pinpoint your abilities that makes up who you are.
