Friday, July 15, 2016

My Unfair Advantage

Resources & "VRIN" Analysis:

1. A creative and motivated mindset - something within me that others don't always have
2. An open market in need of my venture - my idea is in demand
3. A communicative and approachable work environment - employees will be happy
4. The passion to help people - my venture is good for the public
5. Experts willing to help - refer to previous exercise
6. Ability to take out loans for initial financing - people don't always qualify for this
7. Influencing reputation to my peers - credibility
8. Experimental subject - I can test my venture on my puppy
9. Current supplier willing to sell my venture if successful - PetSmart
10. An organized and encouraging work environment to employees - bring your dog to work!

My top resource is my ability to influence people and create a positive work environment. This is because it is easy for someone to come up with a venture and try to make it successful - but people don't always have the social skills to make it a positive place to work or company to work with. I think these personal skills that add to my human capital give me the greatest advantage for my venture.


  1. Hi Megan,
    I really like the two resources you chose as your top resources. Influencing is very important especially if you are trying to sell a product. Without influencing, people might not know about your product. Also, creating a positive work environment is a great resource to have. This will lead to better production and overall success. I think bringing your dog to work is a great idea, something I would love to do.

  2. I love the idea that your are able to influence people and create a positive work environment. Everyone enjoys the coworker who can make everyone happy. I agree this is a rare quality to possess. People often over look the simplicity of having strong people skills and I think your people skills will definitely help you! Great job!

  3. Hi Megan,
    I would agree with the top resources that you chose. I think that it's very valuable that you are able to influence people. Also, without a positive work environment people aren't going to want to work/ work as hard for you. So I definitely see why you chose these resources as your top. I also think that your resource number 8 is important. The fact that you can experiment on your own puppy will make your product even better and you can prove to customers that it works! Overall, great job.

  4. Hey Megan, in my opinion, you made a great job describing your ten advantages. They were all great. Also, I agree with you that you top resource is influencing other people and create a positive enviroment. This can definitely help a business because it crease a sort of community among the workers and control every step of the way.

  5. Very good advantages, they are all very good advantages and are honestly way better than mine. Having a financial plan is easily the best thing you have going for your venture. You have the ability to get a startup loan, and ability to sell your product through Petsmart are amazing advantages.

  6. Very good advantages, they are all very good advantages and are honestly way better than mine. Having a financial plan is easily the best thing you have going for your venture. You have the ability to get a startup loan, and ability to sell your product through Petsmart are amazing advantages.
